Friday, 16 November 2012
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Sunday, 11 November 2012
Who's who in the zoo
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Picasso to Warhol
Saturday, 3 November 2012
Long time no see
Monday, 17 September 2012
shyness bites
Friday, 24 August 2012
Too much tea
- http:/\
So go check it out and I am going to attempt to sleep so I can dream about the food!
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Summer come at me!
Follow this link to see why I cannot wait for summer. With the miserable Perth weather of late, I cannot wait to sip a bit of happy juice and chill in the warm pool. Bring it on!
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Shower goddess
I have recently discovered that this is exactly what I do not look like whilst having a shower (despite my prior thoughts I feeling like a shower goddess in a Garnier commercial). I have concluded that when I am engaging in the 'full treatment' (aka hair wash, shave legs and scrub shower) I am in my most unattractive state EVER.
Not only is my hair in some weird scraped up heap on top of my head with some strange coloured hair treatment in it and my legs are covered in my boyfriends shaving cream while I attempt to use my razor that it is so blunt it may as well be considered 'child-proof', I also have a set of teeth whitening trays in my mouth which allows a subsequent drool to appear. Following the shaving of my legs, I then conclude the whole routine in the most awful, unholy of positions as I attempt to scrub the corners of the shower at the floor.
The only plus of this whole 'look' (dear I say) is that should any creepy predator attempt to sexually assault me whilst I am in the shower, my unattractiveness at that very moment should send them running away.
What is your most unattractive moment of the day?
Sleep time
Marley has taken to sleeping with her 'spare Tiger'. I bought her a little soft Tiger when I first got her, which she still has. Although, knowing how devastated she would be if Tiger got lost or eventually fell apart, she now has a spare - almost identical. This is how Marley sleeps with her Tiger(s). Time for us to go to sleep - Marley is on the bed, in her bed whilst Blake is away in Melbourne for training. Night xx
Saturday, 11 August 2012
Friday, 10 August 2012
Salme Sewing Patterns
Today, whilst doing my assignments, I got distracted. And boy was it a decent distraction. I discovered Salme Sewing Patterns. And so, like any good citizen, I bought three for AUD$17.66 (US$18). Each pattern is simple and easily adaptable. What I also like about them is that Elisa (the creator of Salme Sewing Patterns) is only an email away if you get stuck!
So do yourself a favour, and if you have a slight interest in making pretty things, go and snap up some patterns! I shall be making these as soon as my assignments are all finished :)
Thursday, 9 August 2012
four by four
I have very strategically (NOT) created a mess for myself that involves completing four massive assignments in four days. So whilst I am sinking into Marketing, Law, Ethics and Occupational Health and Safety, Blake is enjoying the finer things in life - for example, this beer that he found as part of a stash in the bar. This beer (apparently the best beer he has ever had) is from his 21st birthday. He is now 28. The expiry date on the beer is 2005, but apparently, it is the best beer he has ever had.
Maybe things do get better with age?
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Saturday, 4 August 2012
Samm Blake
Melbourne based, Perth photographer Samm Blake has become a recent photographic inspiration of mine. Her photography and documentary skills are incredible and she seems to capture the most intimate and life changing moments with absolute precision. She recently traveled to Burma with her parents and 95 year old Harold Martin to visit the graves of his mates who he worked with on the Burma Thai Railway as prisoners of war in WWII.
Watch the video, it's only 2 and a half minutes.
[vimeo w=400&h=300]
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Dreamy little window
So while I am stuck inside, praying for the warmer weather, I have decided to get my 'stuff' organised. This is partly because I visited a fortune teller the other day and he told me my bed was on the wrong wall and as such, the movement of my bed has completely messed with the bedroom layout and partly because I feel like a good throw out. I am a self confessed 'collector' (although my boyfriend's mum occasionally calls it 'hoarding' - I personally don't think I am bad enough to end up on the show) and feel like a good cleanse is necessary. After spending the day in bed today (month in summer and then sudden return to winter as resulted in the flu) I have decided that I will start the re-organisation with the window ledge.
Strange place to start I know but I am cool with that. I have always had an affinity with windows and dream of one day owning a house that has a massive bay window with a bench seat. It seems like the perfect place to drink tea and read gossip magazines. Sheer perfection.
So now, I will celebrate my love for windows with a collection of inspirations to give me something to dream about for this re-organisation process. Bye xx
Kitchen dreamyness and the perfect combination with tea tins
Prettiest little window garden
I would allow this as a replacement to the bay window
So beautiful and simple, it makes me want to travel
Love love love love love
I think that it will be a few books and trinkets on my window ledge
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Possum Magic
I have been hiding for the past couple of weeks due to an overload of exams and a pure "I cannot be bothered" attitude. But, nonetheless, I am back. And in the tropical location of Northern Queensland's Mackay. Compared to the current 2 degree Celsius that is gracing Perth presently, the 23 plus degrees here allows me to spend my days wearing shorts and t-shirts. Marley is here with me and she thoroughly enjoyed the sights on the drive home from the airport.
So what have I been up to during this past week spent in Mackay? Absolutely nothing - although clever me did decide to start a 1000 (yes one THOUSAND) piece puzzle despite my lack of puzzle building since about the age of 9. I am about half way through and although completely frustrated at the artist's need to use the same, featureless green throughout about half of the image, I am determined to finish.
Blake arrived here yesterday for a very well deserved break. On a trip down to Coles to get some 'necessities' (wine and Subway) we spotted the RSPCA fundraising to support local wildlife. And we met these little guys - two brush-tail possums. Some people refer to them as pests, I like to think that they are possible the cutest little things alive. Anyone else agree?
That seems to be all that is happening at the moment. I am curren!tly in love with these possums and feel that I need one. Just because.
Tomorrow we are off to see the SuperBoats in Mackay harbor. Essentially they are Formula One cars on the water. Talk about fast! Tonight is a family dinner for my little brother's birthday - he is 20! Cannot believe it.
Off to help Blake do some study. Exciting adventures ahead.
Sunday, 17 June 2012
on the road again
Karma worked in a mysterious way this morning (1am this morning to be exact). Plane was full to the brim. But not one person seemed to sit down next to me as the passengers boarded. I automatically assumed the worst, that I would have the worst passenger next to me - the one who steals the arm rest, insists on stretching every minute, makes various bodily noises etc. But no, next minute I see they are pulling the stairs away and locking up the doors. I scored the only two empty seats on the plane next to me boo ya!
So I curled up and had two hours of glorious, crappy sleep - instead of known.
Must make sure to keep the good karma going and do something nice for someone today (after a nap of course).
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Absolute absence.
Sorry for my serious lack of presence on line these past couple of weeks - study has kind of taken over my life. Seriously. I am eating sausage rolls for breakfast and consuming protein shakes and Red Bull as though I have a product endorsement from them. For dinner tonight, I had a ham sandwich and a a carrot stick. Totally normal right?
Photo above is from my afternoon trek to uni yesterday. I went there at about 3pm after watching three movie's. My brain went on holiday for the morning, needless to say I deserved it. Sun streaming through the buildings, clouds and trees made me think about how much I have actually grown to love this campus despite my acute avoidance of it whenever possible.
One exam down today. Quietly confident about my performance. That is a rarity. Next one is tomorrow and again I am allowing my brain a tiny break this evening.
Alright, best get back to it. Just thought I would say hi.
Night xx
Thursday, 31 May 2012
A day of study
Today was my third day of proper studying - my brain did die three hours in. So in order to avoid complete brain explosion, Marley and I went to the park. It looked a little bit like this.
I was also recently introduced to a website called 8tracks. This site is essentially a students music heaven! Well it could be anyone's heaven, however, the music is free to stream, thus, poor students heaven.
May two current favourite playlists these two.
[8tracks width="200" height="322" playops="" url=""] [8tracks width="200" height="322" playops="" url=""]
Both of them are super cheesy but I love them. I have been studying amazing well whilst listening to the music. I think it has helped that there are a lot of instrumental cover pieces rather than instrumental and voice - when someone is singing it makes me want to sing.
I apologise for the random changes that are happening to my blog. As a reward for studying today, I am giving it a bit of a reshuffle.
Hope you enjoy my playlists and have a lovely rest of the day!